Becki & Beth who came in on Friday and stayed for 3 hours editing their individual films, and especially to Becki for making a huge amount of progress with her confidence on Final Cut. You are meeting the expectations of the A level.
I know others of you were out shooting this weekend, hope the time was productive despite the snow.
Other of you are not taking responsibility for your grades which means no hours outside of classtime editing which also means you are not doing your homework or meeting the expectations of A Level. To clarify, I expect 2-3 hours of editing per week, per student. Module 3 is coming to an end and we are over the half way point.
The deadline for your rough cut is fast approaching - this Friday 5pm.
By Friday 10/2/12 Each student must ensure they have:
Their Individual Edit completed and uploaded to their youtube account, then embedded (or paste link) to their blog
This includes (individual):
- The Title Sequence (with Cast & Crew roles as per professional examples & images/footage related to your films story & Title)
- The Opening
The above must be 2 mins max in total (thats both together) - the titles sequence ought to be seperate from your film - NOT INTERCUT LIKE A TRAILER.
We must establish clear role for the editing - if you have shot the majority or all the footage it is essential that your group partners take the major role in the editing of the group piece that gets submitted.
Please indicate who did what as precisely as poss on your group blogs for this week
FRIDAY IS AN INSET DAY - I would encourage you to come in a use the time to ensure you hit your deadline.
Any reshoots this week must be storyboarded
Marks will be DEDUCTED from Individual grades if you do not complete your individual cut by the end of the week. (Are you spending 3 hours a week editing in your own time - are you on that list?)
Good luck - all the best with the snow tomorrow
Half Term is to collect your audience feedback from facebook & youtube. Use the link to construct an online survey/questionniare
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