Wednesday, 28 March 2012

EASTER EXAM PREP Task 3 Music Industry Exam Answer

For your final task over the 2 week break to prepare for the upcoming exam you must look at an example of a top grade response and a lower grade answer

Your objective is 
To understand how the marks are awarded for the exam
To identify the arguments/debates that have been discussed by the student that awarded the L4 grade
To write up your notes into an essay plan

1. Read both & decide which is the L4?
2. How are they different?
3. Look at the mark scheme, what is required for a L4 (Analysis, Example, Terminology)

4. Copy the essay into Word & highlight in colour the aspects that cover: 


5. Now underline the Argument/Debates the student puts forward to answer the question
6. Summarise these Arguments as a bullet point list - 5 points they have made
7. Write a 25 word commentary explaining how these arguments match & answer the question 
8. Post 6 & 7 comment to this blog post

(I'll give you the answer first lesson when we return so make sure you have done this)

9. Now go through your Music Label Case Study, your notes/my blog
10. Create an essay plan as follows: 

Introduction: 30 words 
Answer the question: what are the issues of Ownership. What is production, what is exchange? THINK MUSICOPOLY!!!

Main Body: 90 words
Your Argument(s) - 5 points - examples (from your case study or class)

Conclusion: 30 words
Re-enforce your answer to the question - what is your side of the argument?

11. Post your 150 word essay plan as a reply comment to this post

Use your Record Label Case Study for your examples - we will be reviewing your essay plans as part of the first lesson back.

Exam 15th May = 4 term weeks/12 teaching sessions remain

Good Luck!

EASTER EXAM PREP Task 2 Music Industry Case Study Rival Label Report

For your exam you will be required to demonstrate a detailed and up to knowledge of how the Industry works and use your own Case Study example to back up your answer in the form of a report for a Rival Label.

Investigate a variety Music companies/record labels. You can do this via the Internet. Once you have spent some time reading/looking at a number of different companies, decide which one you would like to investigate.–H
Some Indie Labels:

You can start by gathering detailed information & examples (names of companies/artists etc). You might like to use the mindmap software bubbl to begin a detailed Map to ACCOMPANY your written report.

The Task: Case Study on Production - Distribution & Marketing - Exchange Major/Minor Label

1x Independent Record Label

1 x Major Record Record Label

Click on the Links to see what you have to do for each (they are on the Music Industry blog)

How to go about compiling your case study . . .  This is your guide to your Case study on a Major Label

For your EASTER break: Case Study on Independent Labels vs Majors  This is your guide for your Case Study on an Indie Label

Some examples of previous students case studies - please add more pictures, company logos and examples of artist or you wont want to look at it when revising!

P.S. they are out of date so don't just copy them, the info needs to be up to date and use specific companies in your exam


Due end of Easter Break - email to


Exam 15th May - 12 lessons remain


Homework For Easter - your exam is 15th May.

4 weeks away = 12 more teaching sessions.

(Plus 2 weeks to prepare over Easter)

Your Homework as follows:

1. Research the representation of Sexuality (this was January's exam). Look at the exam clip

Write up a mock exam essay response - use the following headings to structure your answer

1. Character comparison - Who are the important characters and how are they different based on their Sexuality, what is their role in the story?
2. How is it re-enforcing or challenging the stereotype of Heterosexual Men or Lesbians?
3. Is this a positive or negative - are they villain, hero, victim?
4. Status - who has the power and (is it Physical power?), who is vulnerable/weaker?
5. Difference between the characters - how are they portrayed as Opposites?


6. Mise en scene - what is significant is constructing meaning> Sexuality?

a) Costume (lack of)
b) Hair, Appearance
c) Location
d) Lighting
e) Props
f) Colours

7. Cam - what is significant is constructing meaning> Sexuality?

a) What angles or shots tie into status?
b) What shot types do Film/TV use when looking at a female bodies? (MALE GAZE).
c) What is the composition of the shot telling you about relationships between the characters & power?
d) Is the camera moving or handheld - what is this telling you about the characters/emotions?

8. Editing - what is significant is constructing meaning> Sexuality?

a) Narrative: how is the story edited/told - who are we positioned with?
b) Prominance - who has most screen time, who motivates the cuts?
c) Transitions - are they soft or harsh, how does this reflect the Sexuality?
d) Juxtapoistion - how have the scenes or shots been contrasted to say something?
e) Pace - does it change and why, what does this tell us about relationships/emotions/the characters?

9. Sound -  what is significant is constructing meaning> Sexuality?

a) what music is used, emotion, feeling, ambience?
b) what sound effects are relevant?
c) how does the sound reflect/emphasise the images?

  • Remember to cover all 4 aspects
  • Get in as much Terminology as possible (Lesbian, Heterosexual, High Angle, Soundtrack is Parallel etc)
  • Link EVERYTHING back to representation
Post your responses by the end of Easter as a comment to this post

Good luck

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Film Peer-Assessment /60

To Peer & Self assess coursework grade
To Organise & prepare blogs for Moderator/Assessment
To Evaluate your production

AS Film examples for Assessment accuracy

Level 4: Excellent Creative use of the following

Individual student can demonstrate an EXCELLENT CREATIVE CONTRIBUTION to the production