Wednesday, 28 March 2012

EASTER EXAM PREP Task 3 Music Industry Exam Answer

For your final task over the 2 week break to prepare for the upcoming exam you must look at an example of a top grade response and a lower grade answer

Your objective is 
To understand how the marks are awarded for the exam
To identify the arguments/debates that have been discussed by the student that awarded the L4 grade
To write up your notes into an essay plan

1. Read both & decide which is the L4?
2. How are they different?
3. Look at the mark scheme, what is required for a L4 (Analysis, Example, Terminology)

4. Copy the essay into Word & highlight in colour the aspects that cover: 


5. Now underline the Argument/Debates the student puts forward to answer the question
6. Summarise these Arguments as a bullet point list - 5 points they have made
7. Write a 25 word commentary explaining how these arguments match & answer the question 
8. Post 6 & 7 comment to this blog post

(I'll give you the answer first lesson when we return so make sure you have done this)

9. Now go through your Music Label Case Study, your notes/my blog
10. Create an essay plan as follows: 

Introduction: 30 words 
Answer the question: what are the issues of Ownership. What is production, what is exchange? THINK MUSICOPOLY!!!

Main Body: 90 words
Your Argument(s) - 5 points - examples (from your case study or class)

Conclusion: 30 words
Re-enforce your answer to the question - what is your side of the argument?

11. Post your 150 word essay plan as a reply comment to this post

Use your Record Label Case Study for your examples - we will be reviewing your essay plans as part of the first lesson back.

Exam 15th May = 4 term weeks/12 teaching sessions remain

Good Luck!


  1. E.M.I Record Label : films, televisa music
    Labels they own : Blue Note Label Group, Captiol Music Group. Caroline Distribution, Caroline Distribution, EMI Christian Music Group, Stand-alone Labels and Virgin Music Group.

  2. 1. Argues that the development of digital media technology is an advantage for the independent record label because they have become associated with teen show skins.
    2.Sony have benefited also because of digital technology such as the internet therefore arguing that it’s helped promote the artist and their music.
    3.Debates how Sony use their cross media ownership, the example of synergy and the use of artists music over a game
    4.Enforces that there is a downfall in CD purchases due to digital technology and illegal downloading
    5.The independent label could promote their music globally and was in contact with people from Australia and France digital technology aided them.
    25 Word: The arguments establish the reasons for and against the development of digital technology. The use of good examples and accurate facts provide him evidence

  3. - the level four response argues that the growth and development digital media technology has been a big advantage for indipendant record labels like Innit for the money as they have gained more publicity world wide and have gained acknowledgement from TV shows (for example skins)

    - World wide conglomerates like Sony ME have also benefitted from the digital media technology development as they too have gained a whole new field of publicity (thanks to the internet).

    - Analysis has been conducted on Sony's ability and benefit of using cross media ownership (for example the use of playstation 3's to further boost publicity for there own music, synergy, etc).

    - Argues that although digital tech development has caused a boost in publicity and sales for both indie and worldwide companies CD sales have dropped due to illegal downloading and filesharing.

    - Analyses that indie labels can now promote there music on a global scale due to the ability to share music over youtube, facebook, myspace, etc.

    25 words: Analysis and example are used to establish arguments both for and against the development of digital technology. Researched examples/facts allowed for a level 4 answer

  4. Essay 2:
    1)Advantage of having a wider market,Sony made a deal with Youtube, social networking and Youtube, making profits on watching their videos, more widely heard and available.
    2)Large fan base, Sony can make a larger profit from CD's and merchandise because it is already established, allows bands to contact each other.
    3)Each artists has their own website, allows news, merchandise,updates on the artist for fans to access, allows them to explore similar artist and therefore expand the fan base of other artists, independent record labels are able to expand.
    4)Sony owns a wide range of products which allows them to distribute content all around the home. (example: playstation) also advertising band and artists.
    5)music can be downloaded illegally,stops profits so a lose for the artists.

    25 word: the arguments presented show the significance of technology on the music industry and how it is being effected by the new technology around it.

  5. SONY ME
    - The SONY ME conglomerate,
    - the company own stages of music development including development, production, distribution ( an example of vertical intergration)
    - issues of ownership are reduced profits if artists do not sell well, people steal/pirate music so money is lost not made,
    - companies/artists are ‘exhanged’ to other companies in order to obtain certain businesses that add to vertical intergration/more money.
    Main Body: Issues raised by media ownership/vertical integration are...
    - indie record labels have reduced chances of making money as they cannot compete with conglomerate business
    - if companies own a larger business interest it allows for them to sign more artists/ promote more music (as they have resources and facilities)
    - if a conglomerate goes bust (EMI) other conglomerates can race to gain companies and rights to musicians music (alot of power in the hands of the few)
    - Production companies are in less demand as most music is digital now only collectors and fans may buy cd’s (but most will stay digital to a few songs) meaning conglomerates may lose money/cut off production companies
    - i think that record companies should start becoming more aware of changing time/digital technology as they will continue to lose money while other companies (indie labels) use the benefit of itunes/ digital technology while conglomerates lose money.

  6. 150 word essay plan:

    The issues with ownership is establishing who owns it. Production is the recording of the music and exchange is the distribution of how it gets out to the audience.
    - People download music illegally as well as avoiding the law and getting the music for free which affects the music industry from making money.
    - Not knowing who owns the music at different stages of its production and exchange.
    - Media text maybe come available it is due to be released.
    - Hard to know who owns a song if it has been remixed, example an artists lyric with another artists backing track remixed, hard for people to remix it and distribute it legally.
    - It can stop the fan base expanding because ownership has to be proven.
    Ownership is hard to determine between the stages of production and exchange of media texts. I believe ownership hinders the production and exchange of media text because it prevents the industry moving forward due to arguments over ownership.

    1. i have probably done this wrong. But i can't actually understand this as this is not clear. I need this more clearly.

  7. 1) The student argues that digital media technology’s development and growth has been a great advantage for independent record labels such as ‘Innit for the money’, due to their gain in publicity from things such as TV shows, for instance, teen drama Skins.
    2) Secondly, they argue that Sony’s large fan base is beneficiary to them as they obtain large profit margins from CD and merchandise sales, due to it’s well known reputation and name.
    3) They argue that by the use of digital technology such as the Internet, Sony can market clients through various social networking sites such as; Facebook and MySpace, to ensure their success.
    4) They put the argument across that due to the development in technology, this had helped the decline in CD sales, as people can simply illegally download ready available albums without having to go out and buy them.
    5) So, in effect the student argues that with the rise of digital technology and it’s continuous development, this could lead to the decline of Independent record labels and reduced activity on behalf of Sony ME.

  8. 25 Word commentary: In all, the argument in which the student put across is that digital technology is bringing about the downfall of record labels, independent and major.

  9. Whilst both essays have good content, the second essay is obviously level 4. It’s well written and expressed and makes the writer sound like they have studied the companies in depth and really know what they’re talking about. They use sophisticated language too and the essay is well structured. It’s argued in a very clear way and is explained thoroughly and cleverly as the labels used for evidence are embedded in. The first essay, on the other hand, all though decent, does not explain and show their knowledge of music technology in anywhere near as much detail. The first essay shows the writer does not have as much knowledge of it as they should have, and so they’ve overly explained simple details such as synergy which the examiner will obviously understand.

    Essay 1
    • Digital media technology is growing at a rapid rate.
    • Indie and major labels have to work very differently due to budget.
    • Buying music digitally is causing less people to buy cds.
    Essay 2
    • In depth evidence of two opposing record labels.
    • Through synergy, everyone in the business is being able to make more money.
    • The future of physical music cds needs to be saved by global policing.

  10. 25(ish) words: Both essays explain detailed facts and amounts of evidence on how the world of digital media is affecting the world of music and money in both positive ways and also negative.

  11. Essay plan
    • What the artist/record label actually owns, how much money the artist makes from every sale.
    Main Body
    • Record labels and artists own all their music, but when it is illegally downloaded, they receive no money.
    • If an artist has a 360 deal, the record label owns a certain percentage of everything the artist does/makes whilst on the label, giving them a certain amount of ownership.
    • Indie vs. Major – constant media battle between the two, and also the battle between getting music out there so everyone can listen vs. paying for the music to support the artist.
    • What selling websites and streaming websites do for artists and record labels.
    • The way Reprise Records and Tigertrap Records distribute their music and how it is purchased – what this does for the company and how much they own.
    • Although the artists should be respected enough for people to pay for their music, surely everyone deserves to listen to music, but music is a business and the labels earn the majority of their money, obviously through the sale of their records.
