Thursday, 29 September 2011

Independent Study for next week - group

The following is the independent study for this week. Please ensure that they are present your learning in a creative & technical way involving audio (commentary/podcast) or video and not just text and images. 

Look at the previous students examples of how they presented theirs:!examples-of-final-products

1. Research Iconic Thriller Soundtracks & Sound – 
What are the conventions of appropriate music/sound? 
What information is it giving you about the characters & story?
What information is it giving you about the mood?

2. Choose a suitable soundtrack for your preliminary task - comment on why

3. Research into 3 Film Production Companies suitable for Thrillers & their logos/Idents
Research and decide on who would Produce your film 
1x British
1x US
1x "low budget" or Independent Film Production company.

4. BBFC - Film certificates - research 
 Which certificates are most common for Thrillers and why (content)? ( Who is the audience?!__certificate-rating

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