Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Module 1 Research Blog (contents & examples)

Hi Y'all

By now you should have created your blog, uploading your projects and commenting on what you have learned.

So far we have been learning about the opening Thrillers and we have already begun to build the portfolio.

Important: Make sure you comment on what you have learned from these tasks - all posts must be annotated

The following is a list of Research that must be completed before you start the Planning stage by the end of Module 1. They are group activities and should be uploaded to your blog page with your commentary of your contribution

Individual tasks go on your Individual Blog, group tasks go on your group blog.
All videos made/practical activities

Click on the links to see an example of what is expected from the task for a L4

  1. Summer Assignment Individual: Napoleon Dynamite Remake
  2. Individual Mind Map: Conventions of the Genre (Characters, Story & Mood/Atmosphere from mind map last lesson)
  3. Individual Collage of Iconography (props, costumes, locations, lighting) associated with the genre
  4. Summer Assignment Individual 9 frame Title Sequence Design Analysis 
  5. Summer Assignment Individual: Titles Timeline Map 
  6. Individual "Se7en" Titles remake edit (individual comment)
  7. Individual 9 frame spoiler review of a Thriller (x 3 each)
  8. Individual "Dexter"/Opening Titles Remake (with your individual comments showing Understanding camera shots/angles/movement)
  9. Individual "Falling Down" Foley/Score (with your individual comments on your blog about...'Iconic sounds connected with the genre')
  10. Individual Thriller Location Recee (photo of a location you have found & why suitable) 
  11. Group Sub-genres & Narrative for a thriller 
  12. Group Iconic Thriller directors – case studies          
  13. Group Film production company research   
  14. Group Production Company Logo
  15. Group Certificate ratings – BBFC research
  16. Group www.imdb.com Thriller Audience Research of 3 contemporary Thriller films    
  17. Group Audience expectations from thriller Video Vox Pops
  18. Group 180 deg rule, Match on Action, Shot Rev Shot - (presentation including your match on action example)
  19. Preliminary Task Planning, Production & Evaluation
Above work is due by the end of Mod 1

Please email me if you have any questions


Here is a list of all the documents that are to be on your portfolio and how to title them across the whole coursework unit - remember for a L4 we expect an average 35-40 posts per person by the end 

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